Our Trip to New Orleans!

new orleans

We had a really nice time on our recent trip to New Orleans. The first night we arrived, on Thursday, we went to the African Restaurant in the French Quarter that many Kind Lifers recommended.
At Bennachin
It was delicious!! The black eye pea fritters with ginger marinara were so great that my mouth is watering just thinking about them! I ordered the “Jama Jama ni Makondo” or sautéed spinach, fried plantains, and coconut rice. It was so good that my husband went back 3 times while we were there (and brought me leftovers). We went to NOLA for a wedding so most of our activities were centered around that.

Friday morning I met up with a whole group of Kind Lifers at Woldenberg Park. Kind Lifer and owner of Breads on Oak, Sean, came and brought 3 boxes of the most insane treats. I have to say that the chocolate croissants were to die for. My second favorite treats were the chocolate walnut cookies… OUT OF THIS WORLD! It was so nice to meet everyone who came and everyone else and all of their loved ones that they brought along.


Sean and I


Kendra and I

After the park, we went to do some activities for the wedding and that night I met my pal Laura Harrelson at Bayona in the French Quarter, another restaurant that you all recommended. Our meal was so delicious! It was pretty reasonable for a fancy restaurant—at least compared to LA. It wasn’t too fancy though… very cozy, but they have very gourmet dishes. It was lovely and I would go back there in a heartbeat. If you live in the area, go there!
Saturday we went to the vegan brunch at Santa Fe Café that so many people recommended and we were so eager to eat there that we got there before they opened, drooling and peering in through the windows. The owner was really sweet. He’s a long-time vegan and told me that he has the vegan brunch because whenever he goes out to eat, he isn’t excited by his vegan options. They had a huge menu and we liked the breakfast tostada with sour cream.


Sean’s wife, Sean, and our family at Breads on Oak
Then I was dreaming of Sean’s treats so we went to his bakery and surprise attacked him! He and his wife were there and they are so sweet! They gave us a tour of Breads on Oak… it’s really big and very nice. We tried some really lovely breads. One of my favorites was a loaf with flax. His Baguette Parisienne with Earth Balance butter and homemade preserves was insane! I didn’t get enough of it… Bear and Christopher stole it! But I had enough to know that it was delicious. He had fresh chocolate croissants right out of the oven…AMAZING! They also had almond ones. We picked up a box of mixed goodies for Woody and Laura’s daughter’s birthday and they really loved the almond ones. And I didn’t get to eat enough of the chocolate croissants. I should have had more while I had the chance!!
A few hours later, we went to the wedding—it was for my friend Lake Bell. It was in a really cool old church and the reception was at someone’s home. We felt as though we were in The Great Gatsby of our modern times. Everything felt so chic—the house, the guests, the décor (decorated by Lake’s Mom) – very beautiful, simple, and truly wonderful. Lake’s is mostly vegan, her dad is vegan, and they had lots of vegan guests so all the food that they served was clearly labeled and there was so much to eat. So nice!
The following day we went to a brunch for the wedding. I had a whole plate of delicious sautéed veggies and some vegan pancakes. I also had a homemade Bloody Mary with fresh squeezed tomatoes! I once tried to make them from Martha Stewart’s recipe (a fresh squeezed one) and it didn’t turn out very goof. Bear had a whole plate of strawberries!
Later, Christopher got more African food from Bennachin and we went to Laura and Woody’s house. We did a little yoga and then they all went to play soccer (Bear and I napped on the couch). Laura took this photo of us while we were sleeping:


The next day, we went to Juan’s Flying Burrito. The place had a really cool, fun, festive vibe and the food was good. The chips and salsa was delicious. I got their veggie tacos and they were good. Christopher ordered the veggie punk burrito and that was even better.


On the flight home, we happened to be on the same plane as Deni, Laura and Woody’s daughter, so we all shared food on the plane. I brought nori and 2 chocolate bars that Laura had packed for me… they were pretty darn crazy. Deni made a kale salad and put it in a plastic bag and we ate it with a bamboo fork. She also brought tamales and chocolate that Laura had made. It was my first vacation in at least a year where I didn’t have to do any work and I just got to play so I was a little insane… I OD’d on chocolate! And then we arrived in LA!
What’s your favorite city that you’ve visited?

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