Kind Eats: What’s In Season Right Now?

There is so much good stuff at farmers markets right now! If you don’t already go regularly to your local farmers market, September is a great month to start. Here are a few of delicious fruits and veggies in season, with a kind recipe for each one!
Eat them as a snack on their own, or cut them up and put them in my Quick Date Apple Oatmeal for a yummy breakfast! Bear loves an apple. He attacks it! I like an apple every once in a while. If I’m feeling frisky, and in search of dessert, I use my apple corer to core the apple and create slices, and then I dip the slices into almond butter. Yum! It satisfied my friskiness and doesn’t do any damage to how I feel.
Beets are fun every once in a while… and delicious! Roast them by themselves or try them in my Scarlet Roasted Vegetables (p. 267 in The Kind Diet).
Kale is one of my favorite veggies! We have it in our garden almost all the time. I love dinosaur kale (like the one pictured above). Try it with my Traditional English Breakfast, or as a side dish with any meal of the day!
My husband loves pears…one of the first dishes I made for him was a pear dessert. You can eat these as a snack on their own or for an elegant, superhero dessert, try my Candied Ginger Pears! Delicious.
Black Eyed Peas
Black-eyed peas are a great source of protein and iron. Try them in my Black-Eyed Pea Croquettes (p. 242 in The Kind Diet)! These wouldn’t be at Farmers Market, but they are good anyway. They are dry beans, not fresh. I made these the other day, and they were so good.
I soaked the beans over night, then put them in my food processor and cooked them in oil. They were delicious and easy to make and quite fun. Another little tip is that you can save all the safflower oil you fry the croquettes in. To do that, just let the oil cool and pour it back into a jar. Keep it in the refrigerator until next time you need it. Just be sure to label your jar with a note that says this oil is for frying, so you don’t accidentally use it for baking after it has already been used for frying. I reuse it about two more times.
What are your favorite fruits and veggies right now?

Photos: Flickr / Tuscanycious, Flickr / ~My aim is true~ , Flickr / net_efekt, Flickr / Ed Yourdon, Flickr / Muammerokumus , Wikipedia

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    The Kind Life!


    The Kind diet

    A simple guide to feeling great, losing weight, and saving the planet

    By following The Kind Diet, you will lose weight more easily, your skin will absolutely glow, you will have tons of energy, and you will become more sensitive to all the important things in life – like love, nature, and your deepest, truest self.