Backyard Gardening Made Easy with From Seed to Spoon App


Dale wrote in sharing his health journey and how that ignited a plant passion project developing an app. The app is called From Seed to Spoon and it’s mission is to make it easy for everyone to grow food wherever they are. Dale shares more info below, check it out! 

I was 340 pounds and had battled health issues my entire life when my daughter Brooklyn was born in 2008. Her birth lit a spark in me to change and I lost 120 pounds in less than year through diet and exercise. However, no matter how far I ran, the anxiety & depression that ruled my life didn’t go away.

I met my wife Carrie in 2013 and everything changed. She’s a nurse and started charting what we ate in hopes of discovering what triggered my crippling panic attacks. Pretty quickly we discovered that plants had a huge impact on my mental health and we started a garden shortly thereafter.

Over the course of 2 years, we converted our entire backyard from grass into food gardens to feed our family of 6. It all felt so overwhelming in the beginning, with so many things to calculate and memorize. We read every book we could find, attended classes through Oklahoma State University, and dedicated our lives to learning how to grow food. Friends and family soon began to come to us for help and that’s where the idea for From Seed to Spoon was born. We wanted to make it easy for everyone to grow food and take control of their health.

That’s why my wife and I started learning how to code last year and we built our free mobile app that makes growing food simple. Our iPhone, Android, and Web app gives you customized planting dates based on your GPS location and guides you through all aspects of growing over 70 different foods (& more added monthly!), as well as managing pests with organic methods. We also recommend which plants are best to grow based on 26 different health-related reasons! If you’re looking for a simple step by step guide to walk you through growing produce locally, check out Seed to Spoon!

Learn more & download @

Top Photo by Brad Stallcup

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