Contribute Your Story to The Kind Mama


As I write my next book The Kind Mama, I’m looking for anecdotes to feature from members of The Kind Life! You guys are so important to me, especially because I started at the same time my book The Kind Diet was published. 

I know not all of you are kind mamas, but I’d love to hear from those of you who have had a kind pregnancy…and for those of you who don’t have kids yet, hopefully this info will be helpful!

Last time, I asked you about your kind pregnancy experiences. Today, I’m asking about your birthing experience! You can answer the questions here in the comments below, in The Kind Mama forum thread, or you can send me a message (just click to the right where it says “Contact Alicia”).

My editors and I will look at all your responses and we may select a few to include in The Kind Mama. We’ll reach out on an individual basis for permission from those of you who wish to contribute stories. With that, here is my second round of questions:

Share Your Natural Birth Story

1.  Did you have a home birth? Did you have a midwife or doula? Share your successes and advice! 
2.  Were you scared of birth and then had a beautiful one? What gave you peace of mind? 
3.  What advice would you share with expecting mamas? 
4.  What made your birth experience that much more transcendent? 
5.  How did you decide who to include at your birth? Were there any preparations you did in advance that made the experience more special? 

Again, you can answer in the comments below, by contacting me directly, or you can post your answers in this forum thread.

Do you have questions about natural birth? I’d love to answer them in my upcoming book. Send me your natural birth questions by clicking Contact Alicia in the sidebar to the right, or you can post them in the comments below.

Thank you, kind lifers!!!

Photo source: / Weird Beard 

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The Kind Life!


The Kind diet

A simple guide to feeling great, losing weight, and saving the planet

By following The Kind Diet, you will lose weight more easily, your skin will absolutely glow, you will have tons of energy, and you will become more sensitive to all the important things in life – like love, nature, and your deepest, truest self.