Choose Kind This Thanksgiving

Choose Kind This Thanksgiving

Check out this video Bear and I made – I hope you love it!

Bear and I have been practicing a plant-based, compassionate thanksgiving for his whole life!  We went to Farm Sanctuary’s California location recently to cuddle some sweet turkeys. Never has it been clearer why we made the choice to live a cruelty-free lifestyle than when we see what most people consider “food” in real life.
Thanksgiving and turkeys have become synonymous—46 million are killed just for the holiday alone. Sadly, the way we’ve been taught to celebrate is harming animals, our communities, and the earth. It’s never been clearer than how it has affected our collective health with multitudinous health conditions like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
Farm Sanctuary inspires people to think about turkeys differently. Since 1986, Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt a Turkey Project has encouraged people to sponsor one of their rescued “spokesturkeys” for Thanksgiving instead of eating one.  I’ve been doing this every year as holiday gifts for ages. Kids especially love this gift – why? Because kids are so innately kind. There’s an old vegan adage that goes “if you put a baby in a playpen with a bunny and a carrot — which will he eat and which will he play with?” Kids have very pure cores, they know what truly practicing kindness is, and that’s why – when given the choice and told what’s inside their hot dogs, many kids choose vegan!
For a one-time donation of $35, you can symbolically adopt a rescued turkey—or sponsor the whole featured flock for $150!  The true cost of eating animals has never been more stark. Our modern food system doesn’t just hurt the animals. It hurts us, you, workers, our communities, and the environment, too.
This Thanksgiving, you have a choice. Join me in signing the  turkey-free pledge for a compassionate Thanksgiving today.
Adopt a turkey here!

Photo by Kristin Burns

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