Preparing for 2013

Now is a great time to start thinking about what you want more and less of in the upcoming year. My husband and I like to write in our journals on New Year’s Eve to reflect and get focused on what we envision for our life in the New Year. It’s nice to read your journal from last year and see what progress you have made with each idea and see how your needs might have or might not have changed over the course of the year.
My Vision for 2013
I want to balance my days better. So, less work time, more rest and alone time so that mama doesn’t get left out. It’s very easy for me to work too hard and to spend all my free time with Bear (which I love), but I’ll get too overwhelmed with work tasks that I have no time to myself. Don’t get me wrong. I love my work and my projects, but it’s all about balance and planning. So, I’m going to be very careful with what I say “yes” to this coming year.
This year, I hope you spend more time with people you love most and who make you feel whole and great and comfy and less with those who make you feel drained, uncomfortable, sad, or anxious. Let’s all spend less time working and less time on the computer or watching TV. Let’s spend more time reading, journaling, playing and just being.
Get clear on your life’s goals and rework your life around your priorities. Julie Morgenstern’s Organizing from the Inside Out is really helpful for creating the life you want with your actual schedule. It helps you define what you truly want in your life and then how to fill you’re your time with that instead of all the other stuff.  I read it about a decade ago and what an amazing change my life took when I cleared the decks of all the “other” stuff! I highly recommend this book… even though I read it so long ago I STILL use the concepts!
What are your goals for a kinder 2013?


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