Animals3 Small Changes to Make If You Love AnimalsEverything we do has an impact on animals, from what we put on our plate…
AnimalsThe Benefits Of Adopting Senior PetsWhile the world is often uncertain, the love of a companion animal is no…
Featured|Animals8 Fascinating Facts About TurkeysPerhaps you've seen the video I did a few years back for Farm Sanctuary'…
Sustainable Living|AnimalsCivet Coffee: The True Cost of the World’s Most Expensive CoffeeWhether it’s kickstarting your day, or revitalizing your energy after a …
AnimalsIs There An Eco-Friendly Way to Dispose of Dog Poop?I've been cringing for years at all the single-use plastic bag waste tha…
AnimalsSaving a Bee Reminded Me Of the Power of KindnessI love this story. Nik is a wonderful human, fighting for animals every …
Sustainable Living|AnimalsMy Thoughts on Beeswax: Is It Ethical?I try hard not to use beeswax and would prefer that no one use it for a …
AnimalsSaengduean ‘Lek’ Chailert, Thailand’s Elephant WarriorEcoflix, the world's first nonprofit streaming platform, enables subscri…
AnimalsWant to Save the Earth? Start By Saving an Elephant In the midst of escalating crises which include dwindling biodiversity a…