Featured|Kind CuresAcupuncture and a Plant-Based DietTraditional Chinese Medicine advocates for eating meat. But you can unde…
Featured|Parenting10 Volunteer Ideas That Help Children Learn About CompassionMost children are too young to volunteer at brick-and-mortar nonprofit o…
Featured|Kind CuresThe 7 Most Important Nutrients for a Plant-Based DietThere's been a rise in campaigns like Meatless Monday and Veganuary, as …
Featured|Sustainable LivingHow I Approach Gift GivingThere are lots of ways to show love and appreciation during the holidays…
Featured|Animals8 Fascinating Facts About TurkeysPerhaps you've seen the video I did a few years back for Farm Sanctuary'…
FeaturedMy Thoughts on ThanksgivingThanksgiving is just around the corner—and I have mixed emotions about i…
Featured|Style & BeautyMy Thoughts on Leather and the Best Vegan Alternatives to TryWhen it comes to earth-friendly, cruelty-free fashion, one of the questi…
FeaturedEasy, Creamy Vegan Carrot Top Pesto PastaThis easy vegan carrot green pesto recipe looks yum and so fresh for sum…
Featured|Kind 101How to Have a Kind 4th of JulyFrom unhealthy BBQ to loud fireworks that scare our furry friends, it’s …