Children’s Health Defense: Groundbreaking Change Powered By Parents

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Courage Wanted.

Listening is so much more than an act of respect. It’s an opportunity for growth and a sacred part of any healthy community. As Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Founder, Chairman and Chief Litigation Counsel Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. learned nearly two decades ago, listening can also be a choice that changes the direction of your life — an act of courage. 

It isn’t easy. Bobby Kennedy readily admits that he “was dragged kicking and screaming into this brawl.” 

As one of the country’s most accomplished environmental attorneys, Bobby was well aware of regulatory capture and the impacts of environmental toxins like mercury. Even so, he was not prepared to face what would be a difficult and pivotal season when autism moms began approaching him at speaking engagements, providing him with evidence of the connection between mercury in vaccines and autism, educating him with a blunt truth he couldn’t ignore. These determined mothers would go on to help him launch World Mercury Project in 2016, which evolved into Children’s Health Defense in 2018.

CHD is a non-profit with a mission to end childhood health epidemics by working to eliminate harmful toxic exposures and demanding robust, transparent science and honest, independent regulatory processes. Our team includes some of the most accomplished experts, advocates and scientific and legal minds from around the world. 

Over the last several decades, the lives of countless families have been turned upside down as they experienced firsthand the devastating effects that vaccines, pharmaceutical products and other environmental toxins had on their children — without acknowledgment, accountability or restitution. Through their experiences, these families have become advocates and trusted sources of credible information, educating others on how to prevent their children from the same or similar fate.

Children’s Health Defense has grown exponentially since its launch as a result of our focus on four key areas: education, litigation, science and advocacy. 

What began in 2018 as Kennedy News and Views evolved into The Defender in 2020, reigniting scientific discourse as a trusted go-to resource for expert news and analysis. Our articles explore the theme of small (children) vs. Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Energy, Big Food and Big Chemical and how these industries have subverted and corrupted our democracy, our regulatory agencies, the scientific research arms of academic institutions and the media to the point where these institutions — created to protect our children and us from corporate greed — now exist to protect corporate profits.

CHD.TV was created in 2021 to dissect mainstream media news and explore and relay what is happening in our world. Our shows feature over 40 hosts reporting daily on the real news, providing a platform for vigorous dialogue with a wide variety of expert guests. We provide accurate information and multiple viewpoints with in-depth analysis of vital health and environmental issues that educate and empower you to advocate for your family. Stay up to date on breaking news and daily events with Good Morning CHD

CHD Publishing, our imprint through Skyhorse Publishing, has released nearly 20 books, including RFK, Jr.’s A Letter to Liberals and The Real Anthony Fauci — which has sold over one million copies despite aggressive censorship — and recent groundbreaking releases from Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone and Ed Dowd.

Our rapidly growing network of CHD chapters lead grassroots efforts comprised of passionate parents and concerned citizens worldwide who disseminate vitally needed educational information to empower the communities they serve.

CHD has emerged as a force to be reckoned with on the legal front, with over 50 active lawsuits, including:

  • Repeal of the COVID vaccine mandate for schoolchildren in Louisiana. 
  • Our D.C. minor lawsuit prevailed, with the Judge ruling that 11-year-olds can’t get vaccines without parental knowledge or consent.
  • A Judge recently granted a preliminary injunction to block a California law that would have allowed the state’s medical boards to punish doctors for spreading “COVID-19 misinformation.”
  • CHD is taking on industry tech and media giants with active cases against Meta (Facebook) — alleging collusion with the U.S. government to censor CHD’s social media content and racketeering to defund and malign CHD’s support and financial interests — and a novel anti-trust lawsuit filed against the so-called “Trusted News Initiative” — to combat the collusive censorship of online health and political news publishers who dared to question the narrative relating to vital matters such as the COVID pandemic and vaccine mandates.

CHD is poised and ready to push forward with these battles. We continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with you to defend our freedoms and put an end to unjust policies that harm children’s health and violate our fundamental rights.

Kids today are living in a “toxic soup.” Although exposure to environmental toxins is continuous and somewhat unavoidable, we at CHD seek solutions, aiming to provide resources and published research on ways you can reduce the impacts on your family’s health. 

Our team of EMR experts continues to research, educate and litigate the harmful health effects caused by widespread WiFi and 5G exposure

The medical freedom movement has experienced unprecedented growth over the last three years. CHD’s work in law, science, public education and advocacy continues to open new avenues to enact change. We now have the momentum necessary to take back our country, reclaim our freedom, and protect our children. 

We invite you to join our efforts as we create a better future for our children.

See you on the barricades! 

-The Team at Children’s Health Defense


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