How to Transition from Vegetarianism to Veganism


Ali made the transition from vegetarianism to veganism gradually. If you’re flirting and want to go completely veg, check out her advice, as told to Ecorazzi contributor Allyson Koerner:
How Ali became vegetarian:
When I went vegetarian at age eleven, it was a remarkably easy transition. A boy at my school was attempting to kill creatures in the pond. When I tried to stop him, he said, “You eat animals,” like that meant I had no right to try and save something that could end up on my plate later. The hypocrisy of my actions became crystal clear in that moment. I decided, no more meat.
Ali’s Inspiration to go Vegan:
When I first started working for two organizations supporting anti-factory farming, vegan outreach and humane education, my choice to go vegan became that much clearer. I realized veganism is the only diet that can change the world.
What to expect:
You can expect a healthier body, and the feeling of pride that goes hand-in-hand with living according to your values. That’s something that many people aspire to, but few people achieve.
A gradual transition:
I attempted veganism at 16, but I had no idea what I was doing, and a very limited palate.
In my twenties, I tried again. I started experimenting with different foods by eating at a variety of vegan restaurants, buying vegan cookbooks and making home cooked meals made with whole foods the basis of my diet.
Here are my tips for flirts:
• Start simple with “tried and true recipes” and turn your favorite dish into a vegan one.
• Learn to cook by investing in great vegan cookbooks. Fancy cookware isn’t necessary!
• Try mock meats like Field Roast or Beyond Meat.
• Be patient and open minded about trying new foods.
• If “omni friends” don’t understand your new diet, then share vegan food with them.
Most of all, be kind to yourself and know that a slip up doesn’t mean you can’t do it. It just means you’re still on your food journey.


Thank you Ali & Allyson!
Do you kind lifers have a transition story to share, or advice for flirts who are thinking of going veg?
Post your stories and advice in the comments below.

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