the kind life

Jamie Goes Kind

A note like this makes me so happy, it goes straight to my heart. I am beyond thrilled for you Jamie! Thank you for contacting me and sharing your story.
The Kind Life

A note like this makes me so happy, it goes straight to my heart. I am beyond thrilled for you Jamie! Thank you for contacting me and sharing your story. 

Just wanted to say a huge huge HUGE thank you for The Kind Diet book and the impact it has had on my life. I’m a 38 year old mother from England who after stumbling on some vegan material and a documentary called Earthings, went from being a daily meat and dairy consumer to a vegan, literally overnight.
I realised despite trying to buy ethical produce that there is no kind way to slaughter animals and the dairy industry, well let’s just say I was shocked to the core. So, having decided I would never eat animal produce again I then found myself a little lost and unsure how I was going to achieve this (I wasn’t even vegetarian!). But then I read your book and my eyes were truly opened as to how I could not only change my diet but actually improve my life!
I’m now 4 months in and haven’t even been tempted once, the food is SO delicious! As to the benefits, WOW! I have struggled with weight my whole life, after struggling with anorexia during my teens and then eating myself into obesity after having my children I have yo-yo-ed for 20 years. This new ‘diet’, I have now reclaimed the true meaning of the word, has been the first experience of food in my whole adult life where I am not deprived, not calorie counting, not conscious of fat contents and yet in 4 months I have dropped 4 dress sizes and feel 10 years younger than I did before. I am no longer taking the antibiotics I have had for 20 years for adult acne, my arthritis is gone (I have gone from crawling down the stairs on my bottom some mornings because my feet hurt so much, to getting up for a 4 mile walk with my dogs!)
I feel like I finally have my life back, so thank you thank you so very much. I know I’ve gone on a bit but I just wanted you to know the impact that your book has had and how this total change of lifestyle has been so much easier than I expected xx

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The Kind Life!


The Kind diet

A simple guide to feeling great, losing weight, and saving the planet

By following The Kind Diet, you will lose weight more easily, your skin will absolutely glow, you will have tons of energy, and you will become more sensitive to all the important things in life – like love, nature, and your deepest, truest self.