Jessica Didn’t Need Surgery After All

Kind lifer Jessica was told she’d need to remove her gallbladder to alleviate chronic stomach pains. Instead, she switched to a plant-based diet. Here’s her inspiring story about what unfolded from that decision:

I went from a longtime vegetarian to a full-fledged vegan on my 27th birthday. A friend bought me The Kind Diet as a gift and I read the whole book over a two-day span. At that time 3 years ago, I had been experiencing intense stomach pains. Doctors thought it could be a problem with my gallbladder and scheduled me for surgery. I asked repeatedly if it could be something I was eating, but was given an insistent no. I started to keep a food journal, as well as eliminate all animal products from my diet. Within days the pain stopped and has never returned. I followed my instincts and figured out the root of the problem. Becoming a vegan allowed me to discover foods I never knew existed. Plus, I managed to save an organ in the process!
Since switching to a plant-based diet, I feel amazing. I had a flawless first pregnancy, delivering a 10-pound baby boy who is now thriving as a vegan at 14 months. I found such a passion for nutrition, I decided to go back to school and leave my job as a designer in New York City to start my own health coaching business.
Now my life’s work is to help people to eat real, plant-based foods to solve health ailments, lose weight, detoxify, and live naturally happier lives. Many of my clients, friends, and family members have become completely vegan. Others have adopted mostly-vegan eating habits. I have seen cholesterol lowered, acne cured, weight lost, cravings vanished, inflammation decreased, fertility problems solved and a lot more joyous people happy to be making less of a carbon footprint on our amazing planet. I have entered into a whole new holistic way of living, using essential oils, raw foods as medicine, and eco-friendly products. I have truly adopted a kinder life!
Alicia, you are such an inspiration because I came to realize I could love life on a plant-based diet. I went from a flirt to a superhero in two weeks…and never looked back. My life has been changed for the better and I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if I hadn’t read your book. Thank you!”
Jessica, I’m so happy for you! Thank you for sharing your story.

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The Kind Life!


The Kind diet

A simple guide to feeling great, losing weight, and saving the planet

By following The Kind Diet, you will lose weight more easily, your skin will absolutely glow, you will have tons of energy, and you will become more sensitive to all the important things in life – like love, nature, and your deepest, truest self.