Let’s Read About How Your Diet Can Save Your Life!

Our next book club selection is John Robbin’s book The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and Our World. It’s a follow up to John’s first book Diet for a New America, but you don’t have to have read that first to enjoy this one. Everything in this book is backed up by scientific studies and research and it’s still very straightforward and engaging.
This book is great for anyone who is thinking about getting healthy, or who wants to reenergize his or her convictions. Or for people who don’t think a vegan diet is healthy.
I read this book a few years after I first went vegan about…fourteen and a half years ago? I’m losing count. But, it inspired me and I really loved it. So much so that I used to give it away to everyone I worked with. When we wrapped a show, this was my gift.
It’s available for Kindle, iPad, and Google Books, for all of you who prefer an electronic reader. It’s also available on paperback in bookstores, on Amazon, and hopefully in your local library. Amazon has used copies and that’s how I buy my books to save trees!
Also, for anyone who didn’t read our last book club book, Ed Begley, Jr’s Guide to Sustainable Living, I just want to give you a little reminder of how great that book it’s and really worth reading!
If you’re reading The Food Revolution with us:

  • What was your favorite part of the book?
  • Did you learn anything new?
  • Was there anything you didn’t understand or want to know more about?
  • Would you recommend this book?

Leave your answers to some or all of those questions in the comments!
At the end of the month, we’ll discuss what we learned.

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The Kind Life!


The Kind diet

A simple guide to feeling great, losing weight, and saving the planet

By following The Kind Diet, you will lose weight more easily, your skin will absolutely glow, you will have tons of energy, and you will become more sensitive to all the important things in life – like love, nature, and your deepest, truest self.