Our latest book club selection was Your Vegetarian Pregnancy. It’s such a great resource for anyone who is pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant! Here’s what you had to say about the book:
From Kind Lifer Gretchen:
“I have heard that this is a great book. Although I am done having babies, I would still love to read this as I am sure it is filled with valuable information. I wished I knew then what I know now…I would have had a vegan pregnancy. At least I had a dairy-free pregnancy! That was 11 years ago…I have learned A LOT since then :-)”
From Kind Lifer Monica:
“I read this book too recently on Kindle, i loved it! great information on what food groups to get specific vitamins and nutrients, I appreciated that info. Very beautifully written, very gentle and calming, I loved the poems at the beginning of chapters. I’d recommend it to anyone pregnant or hoping to be pregnant. Thanks for the suggestion Alicia!”
From Kind Lifer Janine:
I’ve been itching, badly, to have a baby. I’m so glad that books like this exist. Thank you for sharing, Alicia.
FromKind Lifer Tiffany:
This book was very informative during my recent pregnancy. Two of my friends who were meat eaters ended up getting low iron during their pregnancies, but I as a vegetarian, maintained a healthy level. This book is a must have for any vegetarian or vegan who is planning on becoming pregnant or is already pregnant.
FromKind Lifer Lisa:
I wish I would have had this when I was pregnant this last time, it probably would have helped me so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ll be announcing our next book this week, so stay tuned!
Courage Wanted.
Listening is so much more than an act of respect. It’…