Kristina wrote in this lovely note that I wanted to share with you all. Kristina, I am thrilled for you and your family! Thank you so much for the kind words.
I happened to find The Kind Mama at a bookstore. It has been the best resource for me as I prepared for delivering my baby boy. I love how the book is organized into stand-alone chapters and is so warmly written. I was also impressed with all the references and resources.
My favorite aspect of The Kind Mama is that it’s written by a “normal” person with a thoughtful lifestyle, but also includes trustworthy information from a variety of professionals. I have used this book more than any other when it comes to decisions such as feeding, diapering, clothing, sleeping, prenatal issues, and postpartum care. It’s also been a very useful jumping off point for me to research topics further that I would have never thought of on my own. And for thoughtful conversations with other moms-to-be! Many items in the book are now a part of our own household. For example I’ve purchased the Milkies Milk Savers product mentioned on page 205 (I have since learned that this can be used for creating a small stash before returning back to work instead of pumping), as well as natural body care products such as the Earth Mama Angel Baby bottom spray and bottom balm for immediately following delivery.
When I look at our nursery, it makes me so happy to see a simple room with just the basics for a healthy beginning. Too many times I have seen homes exploding with baby items that new parents think they need. Thank you for writing this book. I’m so glad I found it!
Courage Wanted.
Listening is so much more than an act of respect. It’…