Our Celebration of Spring

Spring is here and we celebrated with a trip to the beach and some deep cleaning.
Bear's trip to MAKE

For the first day of spring, Bear and I ate at MAKE – one of the restaurants we enjoy in Santa Monica – and then hit the beach. It was a delicious and fun way to celebrate the spring equinox together. This was probably the third time we’ve been to MAKE and we really love it.
Bear's trip to MAKE
Bear's trip to MAKE
MAKE’s chef, Matthew Kenney previously co-founded Pure Food and Wine. MAKE also hosts The Matthew Kenney Culinary School – what looks like an excellent place to take raw-food cooking classes. The overall vibe is very lovely and the staff is so friendly.
We like to start off by ordering the “Sweet Green” juice (which Bear loves) and/or the “Clean Green”. we always order the “Tree Nut Cheeses” which comes with market fruit, sweet and spicy mustard seeds and a pickled veggie. The salad I love is the “California Kale” which comes with valenica oranges, sun dried olives, wild dulse, and spiced almonds. The “Avocado Radicchio” is nice as well, along with the “Sous Vide Portobello” which has some insane “coconut bacon” in it that Bear adores (Let’s face it, it’s basically a cookie. So good thing we only had it the one time and he’s already forgotten about the cookie bacon). The entree we are obsessed with is the “Black Pepper Kelp Noodles”- it’s so good! We don’t usually go for dessert there, bur we did have a taste of the chocolate cake and banana split. We often take a smoothie for the road – our favorites are the “Thai Green” and “Cacao Berry” (without the honey and cacao).
Bear's trip to MAKE
Bear's trip to MAKE
One of the things I really look forward to doing for this season is a deep spring clean. I hope to do this before I go on The Kind Mama book tour, but if not then immediately after! We moved back into our home about six months ago (after being out for a year and moving around six times!) and we still have boxes lying around. I can’t wait to fully unpack and let go of more stuff.
It is going to be so revitalizing having no boxes in sight and less stuff. A deep spring-cleaning completely changes your home’s energy. With lots of stuff, comes stale energy and clutter. In addition, lots of dust and fine particulate matter can accumulate, which can cause asthma and allergies. For all of the above reasons, I try to keep our house as light in energy as possible by keeping only what we really need and love. For a good deep clean, try getting rid of stuff, cleaning with nontoxic cleaning products, and airing out your space as much as possible by opening your windows and doors.
I hope you found time to appreciate the changing of seasons as well.
What are your spring cleaning plans?

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