missi’s veg adventure goes beyond food…

My friend Missi Pyle is journeying on! In her latest guest blog update, she gives the scoop on her favorite vegan breakfast, and is even inspired to live a little kinder outside of her diet. And even though she still has occasional moments of weakness, she should be proud of how far she’s come. Check out the latest in her vegan voyage:

Vegan Blog #7! aka Sorry it took so long! aka I’m really kind of a fake Vegan aka Vegan Breakfast Goulash aka the paper towel conundrum aka Why so many Aka’s?

Dear Best Friend!

First of all I just want to say, OMG. Some of you have been so agitated that I have not blogged in so long. To that I say. AWWWWW. Finally someone who cares! Yessssss! Well Suckas I am back. With so much incredible knowledge and wisdom to impart! Let’s do this!
So where to begin. Meredith and I left Alicia Silverstone’s house shortly after the gorgeous GIGANTIC family of rats left her house. PS. We were mind boggled as to how on earth they were getting in. Here’s a tip. If you live in the canyons of Los Angeles and you DON’T want rats to come into your house. Don’t leave the door open after say 4pm. Yep that’s how they came in. Through the front door. I am a genius.
But I digress.
Where are we now? You might ask? Well. We had kind of special needs in that we have 2 giant kind of scary looking dogs, a rottie mix Ellie and a pit bull mix Sunny, two very nice girls*. So we needed a back yard. Because there is no way I am living with 2 giant dogs in an apartment. Mostly because I have no desire to get up and put on pants to let them out.**
Special need #2- we don’t have a lot of dough since Meredith is but a new college graduate and I am broke, bad with money, and paying for half a geodome in Montana. Sooo we looked on craigslist and found this tiny house with a gorgeous backyard with lots of tropical plants, an illegal bonfire and the worlds most disgusting outdoor futon. It is HEAVEN. Really. It also comes with an extremely green pagan landlord who lets us babysit his alpha pit bull Tony*** all day! Party!
When they are not lazing in the sunshine, the dogs, and meredith, are usually lazing on my bed. tho my bedroom is the size of most of your closets, it has a door to the garden which is incredible. So at any given time, every living being in the house is IN it.
And the kitchen. OMG. the counter tops are concrete. So manly. So cool and since we are broke, all we do is cook. Meredith is not quite vegan. Lets be honest neither am I, I have been eating fish. But its a process. And Alicia says its ok. Be nice to yourself. I adore her. And I try to only eat the wild caught stuff and only once in a while. Don’t judge me.
Anyway. In the morning, the backyard is stupidly sunny and beautiful. So we like to cook and eat outside when we can.
So I wanted to share one of our favorite breakfast dishes with you that we make probably 2 to 3 times a week. it’s our vegan breakfast goulash/hash/breakfast tacos. Or Yum tacos, for short. We came up with it by just looking in the fridge and seeing what we could use to make breakfast with. Here’s what we came up with:
1/2 yellow onion diced
1/2 red pepper diced
1/2 zucchini sliced with the large slicer on the side of the cheese grater which i have NEVER used. but omg it slices zucchini like fine slices of a baby’s ass. Sorry.
4 or 5 1/4 inch thick slices of polenta
about 4 oz soy chorizo
1 tomato diced
olive oil
daiya cheese
corn tortillas
hot sauce
What we do is saute the onions and peppers in olive oil till the onions are clear. then throw in the zucchini then the polenta and tomato, then the chorizo, and finally the cheese till it looks melty.
in the meantime we heat up the tortillas one at a time on the burners. i usually get distracted and burn them. this makes meredith angry. but actually the really burned ones taste super yummy so then I like to rub this in her beautiful, much younger, face.
then we scoop them into the tortillas and finish off with hot sauce and slices of avocado. Then we go and sit in the sunshine and eat them on the picnic table in the back yard and drink lots of coffee and talk about how cool we think the other is.

Which brings us to part 2 of our Not so Vegan Vegan Blog. The Great Paper Towel Conundrum of 2012(almost).
Dum Dum Dum!

Apparently paper towels, which have so lovingly cleaned the shit off our counters, cabinets and dirty kitchen floors are controversial! Who knew? I knew Alicia didn’t use them. She has a drawer of old rags she uses instead but she’s Alicia Silverstone. Kind of the Jesus of the conservation movement. I thought everybody else still used them!
So when we were at her house, we snuck some in that we got from trader Joes, the 100 percent recycled kind, mind you. But we did try to hide them from her assistant. On top of the fridge, roll lying discreetly on its side.
But now that we have moved in with our Pagan Green Landlord. Who we call Pagan Frank, because he is bossy and reminds us of our Dad. But if Frank were a pagan.****
Anyway. He told me he ALSO doesn’t use paper towels.
Wtf?? He too uses old rags and shirts.
Holy Guacamole! He suggested we do the same. I told him I didn’t HAVE any old t-shirts to rip up.
He then gave me a baseball cap for my birthday wrapped in a blue piece of t-shirt. He said. “why don’t u use that? I said. why don’t you go f yourself. just kidding. he IS the landlord after all.
Here is Ben. Meredith’s new “special friend” holding up the old shirt scrap and the crispy white disposable paper towel.
What to do…? Well. since we Pyle’s never shy from a challenge…
the new challenge for Meredith and I is to use rags and old shirt scraps for the entire month of January. We will see how it goes. And let you know. Ps. Meredith is furious about this.***** But we are doing this for you and for the planet and for our eminent fake vegan fame.
pss. i thought since we are always looking a little rough in these blogs, kind of like we just woke up, which we usually did, and one of us did NOT take off her makeup the night before.******
I thought I would leave you with a picture of us having had our hair and makeup professionally done for the LA premiere of The Artist which I am in.
psss. Please go see it. It’s a beautiful silent film. Ironically the biggest movie I have ever been a part of. One in which I am only in for like 10 minutes******* and where I don’t make a sound.
Alas. Life can be weird.
But not as weird as you.
Until the next time. think about cutting up some old shirts and using them as paper towels. or making our sexy morning hash.
Missi and Meredith
* They are mostly nice except when Ellie tries to kill Sunny because she is younger and has real legs.
**I am wearing pants right now. Don’t worry.********
***Tony is actually an incredible dog. He likes to howl along when there are sirens, which is almost every day because we live deep in the hood in echo park. And we LOVE having him around. But not as much as Sunny. They hump all day. Actually, it’s pretty gross.
****he’s actually cool. for a pagan and inspiring and gets shit done. so woo hoo. i guess right?
*****well i haven’t told her yet. but she WILL be furious when she reads this. hehe.
******i’ll give you a hint. it’s usually the one of us who is laying in bed with 3 dogs and a nice glass of pinot noir.
*******it’s actually more like 10 seconds. but who cares! go see it. pretty please!
********i’m lying.
Thanks, Missi! Side note about the fish, I think Missi’s doing great with all of the huge changes she is making. I think she knows I don’t mean “hey, eat fish, it’s ok,” I just mean celebrate the success. This girl is from Texas for God’s sake and she will let go of fish when she is ready. Until then, she should be proud of how far she has come. Missi recently shared with me that she’s still vegan and has lost the eight pounds she’s been trying to shed for the last three years. She’s also converted a few friends; yahoo Missi!
What was the hardest thing for you to let go of when you were starting out?

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