Kind Lifer Kaylin recently shared how living a kinder life is a more beautiful life:
I read The Kind Diet a couple of years ago, close to its release. I am proud to say that your book and blog encouraged me to first flirt with veganism, then to make the full commitment a few months later. I really appreciated reading about the successes of other vegans, from celebrities such as Olivia Wilde to regular people who had become incredibly healthy. When I made the switch, I was shocked at how my extra ten pounds just melted away.Suddenly, I felt lighter and healthier than I had ever felt before.
Around the time I became a vegan, I began working as an eco-friendly makeup artist. However, “eco-friendly” was not enough; I knew I had to align my business with my new vegan lifestyle. For the past year, I began a wide search for the best vegan cosmetics, beauty products, and personal care items. Your work as an activist has inspired me to take up the cause as well, blogging, and now writing a book on vegan beauty and personal care products.
I wanted to thank you for leading the way and inspiring me to make the switch to veganism. It has had an amazingly positive impact on my life over the past two years and I couldn’t have done it without your help.
Yay Kaylin!
We’re all looking for more energy these days, right? The days move by so…