Kind Lifer Kate stopped taking her prescription medications and is healing her body with a kind diet.
“I have tried a vegetarian diet on and off again for years, starting in college. It wasn’t until I read Alicia’s book, and was urged by my homeopath to consider a plant-based diet that I really noticed changes that convinced me to make this a permanent change. I have had a digestive disorder for 20+ years, been through countless diagnostic procedures, surgeries, and diagnosis. Since changing my diet, I have stopped taking five prescription medications, and have reduced an OTC medication from five a day to one every other day or so. The more I do, the better I feel with my digestive system, and countless other ways I didn’t expect! Reading Alicia’s book allowed me to shift through the adjustment phase without giving up. Thank you for this new lease on life!”
Congrats Kate, and thanks for sharing your story!
Turmeric root seems to be everywhere—and there are some pretty good reas…