Recently, I asked all you kind mamas to share your stories about vegan pregnancy and natural childbirth. For part three of my kind mama Q&A, I’m asking you to share your kind parenting tips. Feel free to answer some or all of the questions. I may select some of your answers to appear in my forthcoming book, The Kind Mama!
1. Did you hesitate to raise your baby vegan?
2. How do you deal with naysayers?
3. How do you talk to your kids about being vegan?
4. What was your breastfeeding experience like?
5. How did breastfeeding help you bond with your baby and learn about yourself as a mom?
You can answer in the comments below, by contacting me directly (by clicking the “contact Alicia” box to the right), or you can post your answers in this forum thread.
Thank you, kind lifers!!!
Photo Sources: Anekoho via, Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot via
Courage Wanted.
Listening is so much more than an act of respect. It’…