The documentary The Milky Way is now available on iTunes and all other VOD platforms for rent or purchases in 7 different languages! If you haven’t already seen this movie, check it out! I LOVED it… It covers such an important topic, everyone should see it!!
America has one of the lowest breast-feeding rates of anywhere in the world. Jennifer Davidson, a registered nurse and lactation consultant, ignited a cultural conversation through The Milky Way on how important breastfeeding is and how lost it is becoming in our society. The film features interviews from Dr. Jay Gordon , Nancy Williams (a professional lactation consultant) and Alanis Morrisette! You will feel moved, empowered, and inspired after watching this fantastic doc!
Check out The Milky Way trailer:
For even more info look at this article from written by producer Chantal Molnar.
Have you seen The Milky Way? What did you think?
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