The documentary The Milky Way is now available on iTunes and all other VOD platforms for rent or purchases in 7 different languages! If you haven’t already seen this movie, check it out! I LOVED it… It covers such an important topic, everyone should see it!!
America has one of the lowest breast-feeding rates of anywhere in the world. Jennifer Davidson, a registered nurse and lactation consultant, ignited a cultural conversation through The Milky Way on how important breastfeeding is and how lost it is becoming in our society. The film features interviews from Dr. Jay Gordon , Nancy Williams (a professional lactation consultant) and Alanis Morrisette! You will feel moved, empowered, and inspired after watching this fantastic doc!
Check out The Milky Way trailer:
For even more info look at this article from written by producer Chantal Molnar.
Have you seen The Milky Way? What did you think?
Courage Wanted.
Listening is so much more than an act of respect. It’…