The amazing Jane Goodall is continuing to raise awareness about chimps’ plight with a new movie called Chimpanzee. Here’s the trailer:
In a recent blog for the Huffington Post, Goodall says that the chimps desperately need our help:
“[Their] numbers have plummeted over the past hundred years. … They are in 21 countries but spread thin…I hope that people will understand that they matter as an individual. Every single day the choices they make will have either negative or positive impacts on the environment, on animals and on human health. So it’s really, really important to live each day knowing you make a difference.”
A portion of the film’s proceeds will go to the Jane Goodall Institute, so go see this movie, and get everyone you know to see it, pronto!
What do you do to make a positive difference in the world each day? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
For more info about helping chimps…
Chimps Are People Too
Help Chimps
Help Captive Chimps
End Experimentation on Chimps
Everything we do has an impact on animals, from what we put on our plate…