Kind Curessuccess story: mary sheds over 100 poundsKind Lifer Mary recently shared how she shed weight by cutting out proce…
Kind Curesmarisa overcomes her digestive strugglesvideo platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Macrobi…
Kind Curessuccess story: karly’s eye-opening research paperKind Lifer Karly recently shared how researching factory farming has hel…
Kind Curessuccess story: jaki overcomes sugar addictionKind Lifer Jaki recently shared how giving up sugar helped her to lose w…
Featured|Kind Cureshow heather beat her bladder infections!I found a success story on the site and I thought it was a really import…
Featured|Kind CuresJennifer’s Success StoryI really love reading all of your stories and comments in the forums, an…
Featured|Kind CuresRocco, the Vegan Cowboy!I was hanging out in the forums and I'm so happy that I saw this video t…