Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret

Take a look at this interview with Kip Anderson (the protagonist and co-film maker) of Cowspiracy! I can't wait to see this film- I have heard it is just great!!

Take a look at the great interview below with Kip Andersen (the protagonist and co-film maker) of Cowspiracy!  He is passionate and on FIRE. I cannot wait to see this film- I have heard it is just great!!

What do you suggest people do in order to change the paradigm of these environmental organizations? How can we get animal agriculture to become a priority? Have any of them changed since the film has come out?
Kip: Already Rainforest Action Network has come out with a public statement saying they want to work with people who are talking about the environmental devastation caused by animal agriculture. We will see if and when they actually do something about it themselves. The best thing one can do is demand that these groups start talking about this subject and let them know that, if they continue to stay silent, they will become a laughing stock, without funding and, not too long from now, without an earth to save. Many of these organizations see profits before planet, so let’s make sure we put our money where our morals are, align the two, and fund only those organizations that are taking an active stand against agribusiness, the greatest perpetrator of our planet’s peril.
After seeing how incredibly influential and powerful the ag. industry is (even within the environmental community), apart from diet, what are other effective actions we can take to ignite change (both within the ag. industry itself and for climate action)?
Kip: First and foremost, the most effective step is to learn the truth and spread the message far and wide as to what is happening to our planet and, more importantly, the real reason why. Many people are not aware of the devastation caused by rearing animals for food and other products but, once they do, hopefully they will rally to the cause and evolve the way they and their loved ones eat and how they spend their hard earned money. Pardon if this somewhat sidesteps your question, but the number one way to curb climate change is to adopt a plant-based diet and stop supporting industries that are serving to obliterate the earth. Plain and simple. Go vegan, promote vegan and, of course, continue recycling, composting, biking over driving, etc.
The documentary makes it clear that adopting a plant-based diet is the most progressive action to take for reducing one’s impact on the planet. What advice do you have for inspiring friends and family who just aren’t as willing to give up meat or dairy? Is there one go-to fact or one suggestion that sways them?
Kip: We live in a time, alongside 7+ billion other people, where everything we do affects everyone else. We call this in the film “secondhand eating.” Whereas secondhand smoke from a cigarette smoker affects the smoker and everyone in the immediate vicinity of said smoker, the way we eat affects everyone and everything on this planet. If someone came into your house smoking a cigarette, you would ask them to please smoke outside. But, if someone is eating meat or dairy, you can’t really ask them to please eat that on another planet, as it’s ruining ours, the one we share. It is time to eat for others as opposed to, to put it plainly, eating others. Also, you can fulfill any craving you have these days. It is sooo easy to be vegan! I am the biggest carnivore I know, it’s just that I eat plant meat and plant milk products that are light years less harmful to myself, the planet and, of course, the animals.
How have you felt being plant-based?  
Kip: Within two weeks of being plant-based I felt better than I had in 10 years. Mainly it was getting dairy out of my system! It was as if a fog had lifted from my veins and arteries and organs — my entire being. I felt energetic and light from morning until night.
What are some of your favorite vegan dishes?  
Kip: I love nachos, pizza and mock meats. It is just so easy now to be 100% veg. There is no justification not to be. It’s delicious, accessible, affordable and the single most significant way we can help the earth for now and for generations to come. Go vegan!
Thank you Kip!!!!! Have you seen this documentary yet? If you’re in the NYC area it’s premiering on August 21st. Outside of NY? Check out this website to find a screening near you or to host one!

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