The Fourth Annual Hemp History Week


Happy Hemp History Week! To celebrate the fourth annual Help History Week, I wanted to share some information about it:
Hemp products generate over $450 million in sales each year, yet we’re not allowed to grow it in the United States. It’s so flat out stupid that every other country grows it, but we don’t! American farmers are missing out on that revenue, and importing hemp is prohibitively expensive, meaning consumers have to pay more for this healthy, sustainable material. It’s the most unpatriotic policy you can imagine, right? Ridiculous, on an economic, environmental and health level!

Why I Love Hemp
I have been a fan of hemp products for years. I have bought hemp clothes, and napkins for the house, and couches made with hemp…and on a regular basis, I buy hemp milk and protein powder for the hubby. At one point, my husband also had a great hemp wallet! I had a hemp backpack that lasted me twelve years and traveled the world with me. Enough friends told me “you are ridiculous wearing a backpack.” I didn’t listen to them for 12 years, but now I seem to carry a purse and bags like a grown up, most of the time. And of course, my EcoTools bags are made with hemp! Anywho, hemp is my friend, and it would be way more eco to be growing it here in the U.S.
Hemp is not just used to make clothes; it’s also a great source of complete protein with ten amino acids, omega-3 and -6 essential fatty acids, Vitamin E, and iron. Hemp can also be used to make hemp flower, cosmetics, building materials, and auto parts (for real)! The downside is that right now, it’s illegal to grow hemp in the U.S., so hemp product manufacturers have to import their raw materials, and farmers in the U.S. are missing out on an entire industry!

Get Involved
During Hemp History Week, there will be events happening all over the country! Let’s help farmers and ourselves by renewing support for hemp farming in the U.S. and educate our elected officials about the economic benefits of growing non-drug, industrial hemp on American soil.
Visit to find out what events are happening near you.
What is your favorite hemp product? Is anyone working on this issue? What else can we do to make hemp legal in the US? Let’s fix this problem!!

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