Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day! I am in San Francisco on my book tour. How are you celebrating?
Sprouting Earth

Happy Earth Day! As you know, for me everyday is Earth day. But I am grateful there is one nationally recognized day to celebrate and give thanks to our magnificent planet. This Earth Day I am in San Francisco on my book tour. This event located at U.N. Plaza looks awesome! It features live music, dance performances, keynote speakers, interactive workshops, and eco teach-ins. Come check it out if you’re in the bay area!
If you are flirting with or have adopted a kind diet, I highly commend you. Making changes to your diet has one of the most powerful impacts on reducing one’s carbon footprint and helping heal the planet. Diet is huge, but there are always more ways I know I can help make a difference. A great place to start is by calculating your carbon footprint and seeing which areas you can improve on. Then, if you haven’t already taken my Earth Day Challenge,  try it out and share with me how it goes!
There are countless simple things you can do to help reduce your impact on the planet (for this Earth Day or for everyday). Here are a few suggestions you can do in ten minutes- or less!

  • In cooler months, adjust your thermostat down two degrees and have it remain there and in warmer months, save energy in the same way by turning your thermostat up two degrees. Also, this seems obvious but you’d be suprised-when its hot wear less clothes, it feels good! And when its cold bundle up!
  • At the grocery store, make it a point to find the manager and encourage her or him to source local products.
  • Place friendly reminders near water faucets to help remind your family members to conserve water.
  • Go paperless- try to get bills and magazine electronically if possible.
  • Check out CatalogChoice.org to rid your mailbox of junk mail
  • Take the initiative to establish a carpool for you or your child’s activities
  • Make a pledge to reduce your driving by walking or biking
  • Speak with your child’s school about implementing some sort of environmental education like an afterschool activity such as Jane Goodall’s RootsAndShoots.org
  • Put up a laundry line to dry your clothes naturally- it’s fun!
  • Clean your refrigerator’s condenser coil
  • Fully load your dishwasher- washing by hand wastes much more water.
  • Unplug any appliances (even if not in use)- for instance TVs are a major energy sucker

Despite being on my book tour, some Earth Day activities I love include any sort of play outside! Digging with Bear, going to a beautiful garden or park, adventuring on a family hike or bike ride, and really being present with the nature around us together.  Another idea I read about that sounds fun is choosing an environmental topic that interests your family (for example why bees are in demise), and shooting a video or creating a book about the topic. This will empower the issue by making it easy to share with others. An additional super cute project I want to try one day is making a birdhouse made out of recycled materials.
Check out the Earth Day Network for a quick search on events and/or volunteer opportunities to be a part of. For some great eco documentaries, refer to these recommendations.
How will you be celebrating Earth Day? What actions do you think are most powerful in healing the Earth? 
Photo Source: Heathy Urban Habitat

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The Kind Life!


The Kind diet

A simple guide to feeling great, losing weight, and saving the planet

By following The Kind Diet, you will lose weight more easily, your skin will absolutely glow, you will have tons of energy, and you will become more sensitive to all the important things in life – like love, nature, and your deepest, truest self.