A Vegan Passover Seder and Celebration to Remember

Passover is just around the corner.. I'm sharing below photos from our epic feast with bears friends and mine, check it out!

Both Passover and Easter are opportunities to celebrate the new season, spring. This bright, beautiful season is all about rebirth, rejuvenation, and inspiration. It’s when the natural world wakes from its slumber and starts to blossom. Longer days and bluer skies… Taking stock, cleaning up, and cleaning out—from closets to mental clutter. Get rid of anything that you don’t need and give it to an organization or someone who will get more use out of it. It feels great to have less stuff cluttering your space. It’s good for the mind and soul. So let out those stale vibes! Let in that fresh air! Fill up on fresh spring foods, plant a garden, get your toes in the dirt. It’s also a great time to refocus goals by checking in on where your at and what you need — Sleep? Rest? Love? Friends? Activism?  What is it your heart craves? And what are the baby steps or actions that could get you there? Schedule your life to only include the things you truly want (as much as possible), so there’s no room for anything else but the life you want!

I’m inspired to share this lovely Passover meal from a few years back. It’s so fun to be able to relive the night and share it with you. Enjoy!
DIY floral arrangement (sage!) from my backyard. It’s beautiful and environmentally sound: extremely water efficient, native, and smells delicious. The vintage dining ware was passed down  from Christopher’s grandma, Tutu.
Assorted veggies and vegan ‘liver’ pate. Next time, this will be served as hors d’oeuvres, spread on matzah. For some reason, the veggies didn’t go great with it.
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Fresh salad from the farmers market.
Our Seder plate features beet (zeroa, to replace the lamb), olive leaf (beitzah, to replace the egg),  parsley (maror, bitters), saltwater (karpas), and apple charoset. (To learn more about the symbolism behind this plate, check out this article.) The beet and olive leaf were from our garden! I love that the pink Himalayan salt landed in the middle of the doggie’s eye 🙂
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Matzah balls that stayed intact!
FullSizeRenderThese were great. Next time I will consider using organic bleached flour so they don’t turn out so brown. But they were yum! I know you’re going to want the recipe but I’m still working on it! I’ve tried almost every vegan matzo ball soup recipe out there and they’ve always fallen apart (even when they swear it won’t.) I think I’ve conquered not falling apart and most yummy, I will share soon.

FullSizeRender 18Vegan gefilte “fish” made with tofu, herbs, and veggies! In the center = beet horseradish. Delicious! The recipe for both of these dishes came from Vegan Holiday Cooking from Candle Cafe. I love you Joy, Bart, Angel, and Jorge!
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For dessert, we had strawberry kanten (superhero jello! The recipe’s in The Kind Diet) topped with berries and coconut whipped cream.
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We also nibbled on these treats: Dandies mini marshmallows, peanut butter s’mores/hazelnut biscotti/marshmallows from Sweet & Sara (they are now permanently closed), Chocolate Hollow (mint *guests loved this!, maple, schmilk, macadamia sea salt), Tony’s Choconely Dark Almond Sea Salt, and Nomad Hazelnut Sea Salt.

Wishing you a lovely Passover!

Are you celebrating Passover this year? What does it mean to you? If hosting or bringing a dish to a get together, what are you cooking? What’s the best vegan matzo ball soup recipe you have made?? Email me if you have an amazing Passover recipe!

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Passover is almost here!  What are you doing in honor of the holiday? If…


The Kind Life!


The Kind diet

A simple guide to feeling great, losing weight, and saving the planet

By following The Kind Diet, you will lose weight more easily, your skin will absolutely glow, you will have tons of energy, and you will become more sensitive to all the important things in life – like love, nature, and your deepest, truest self.