LA2050: Los Angeles Beaches Forever

My friend Isabelle of Duvivir Architects is in the running to win the LA2050 grant. This grant has amazing potential to help create a sustainable and resilient Los Angeles. Check out Isabelle’s Los Angeles Beaches Forever proposal & along with all other inspiring projects!

Earth friendly architect Isabelle Duvivier is in the running to win the LA2050 grant. You have the chance to vote for 5 out of the 10 selected winners. This grant has the amazing potential to help create a sustainable and resilient Los Angeles by funding each winning recipient $100,000 to implement their project. Check out Isabelle’s Los Angeles Beaches Forever outline below.

Los Angeles Beaches Forever

by Isabelle Duvivier

What would Los Angeles look and feel like without the beaches of Venice?  Sixteen million tourists visit Venice every year and spend money that benefits all of LA County.  However according to a recent study by USC, Venice is one of the most at risk communities as a result of sea level rise due to the inability of low-income communities to adapt to climate change. Another report this month released by the Venice Neighborhood Council sites an LAUSD study that found our neighborhood children are 26 times more likely to get cancer due to Santa Monica Airport pollutants such as lead, black carbon and ultra-fine particulates. According to the Metropolitan Water District, “the risk for seawater intrusion is high” as the ground water is not replenished.
Los Angeles Beaches Forever
Los Angeles Beaches Forever is a plan to harness the diverse nature and creative spirit of Venice, to create a long-term vision that addresses climate change and other environmental, social-justice issues. Our youth leadership team will facilitate the planting of hundreds of trees to reduce carbon, distribute rain barrels to reduce flooding and water-use and engaged our neighbors in conversations about impacts and opportunities. We will launch an entire resiliency movement by:
–       hiring & training twenty-five local youth to distribute information about the opportunities we have to adapt to climate change
–       planting three hundred trees which will reduce airborne pollution, cool surface temperatures, reduce skin cancer in our youth, absorb surface water, improve water quality at beaches, and reduce crime
–       reducing our water use by hundreds of gallons a year, by removing thirty turf lawns and installing fifty cisterns, rain barrels or rain gardens which slow sea level rise, reduce risk of salt-water intrusion and improve water quality
Los Angeles Beaches Forever will make LA a healthier place by instilling knowledge of environmental issues and developing long-term solutions. Our community will become more engaged and armed with tools to become a more resilient community. We will galvanize around a common cause and enhance our diverse community.
Please help this project become a reality by voting for LA Beaches Forever

Thank you Isabelle!! There are SO many incredible projects in the running, thank goodness for so many people doing such great things-check them out here. Voting period is September 2th – 16th so be sure to cast your vote!!
Top Photo Credit: ELP Advisors

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