the kind life

my thoughts on the documentary outfoxed…

Outfoxed is a fascinating documentary

Outfoxed is a fascinating documentary that is not so much about Fox for me, as it is about the nature of the news and how to ask intelligent questions that help you to truly understand the complexity of current events.
I stopped watching the mainstream news a long time ago, because it always felt like a big, flashy commercial to me. I just didn’t trust that I was being told the truth. Intuitively, it didn’t feel right, plus it was just so upsetting. I’d get all riled up so quickly over events that are out of my hands. If I’m going to get worked up, I want it to be about something that I know is real – and that I can act upon. We already have so many stressors in life – we don’t need the additional sensationalism that channels like Fox or CNN broadcast 24 hours a day.
The news I do watch is PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. I feel like it is just straight news. There is no spin – nothing sensational or artificially exciting. In fact, it can be quite boring at times! PBS doesn’t try to sell you any ideas or make you see the news from a single perspective. They just show facts and intelligent analysis”at least that’s what it feels like to me. I tivo “NewsHour” everyday so I can watch as much or as little as interests me.
Anywho, Outfoxed gives very important information that will broaden your understanding of the news and the way we gather and receive news today. If you are a big news watcher, or watch any of the major news networks, please check this film out and let me know what you think! I’m so curious! Where do you find your news? How important do you feel it is to watch news at all? Do you feel the news you watch is the truth?

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The Kind Life!


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