Over the years, we’ve gathered quite a number of great Thanksgiving recipes and treats to cook up for the holiday, so here’s a quick list of options for your vegan Thanksgiving feast.
This was my 2010 Thanksgiving Day menu. It was a very large crowd that year, so I decided to prep as much as I could in advance and buy some pre-made. It turned out to be a yummy meal.
Still stuck on your menu for this year? Check out this great list of recipe ideas. You’ll find some classics and some innovative twists. All plant-based and all so delicious!

If you just aren’t able or don’t want to cook this year, a number of restaurants in Los Angeles and New York areas offer vegan options. I’m sure there are many more across the country, too! I’d call beforehand to make sure they are serving up a Thanksgiving Day menu.
And when the feasting is over and you feel like you may have indulged a little too much sweetness (it’s bound to happen), you could try my detox soup recipe. It’s light and healing. And you might also want to try this Cure-All Tea.